drag&drop templates, you must create its content in your Sender application interface.">

# Create a campaign

# HTTP method: POST


Use this API method to create a new campaign from scratch. Specify the group or segment IDs that this campaign will be sent to.
You can use API to provide plain text or a custom HTML campaign content. For drag&drop templates, you must create its content in your Sender application interface.

title string

Name of the campaign (shown in reports, optional)

subject string required

Choose the subject of the campaign.

from string required

Sender name to be shown to subscribers.

preheader string

Email preview text.

reply_to string required

Email that will be shown as the sender. This email must belong to a valid, verified domain in your account.

content_type string required

The value must be one of "editor", "html", or "text".

google_analytics numeric

Enable or disable Google Analytics tracking for the links in this campaign. Choose from 1 for true and 0 for false.

auto_followup_subject string

Provide the auto follow up subject

auto_followup_delay numeric

Hours before automatic followup. The value must be one of 12, 24, 48, 72, 96, 120, 144, or 168.

auto_followup_active boolean

If 1 - automatic followup campaign will be sent to those subscribers who did not open.

groups array

Provide the groups ids that would be added to the campaign. For more than 1 use comma to separate each group.

segments array

Array of segment IDs that this campaign will be sent to.

content string

Provide the content of your campaign. Only plain text and html options are available for providing campaign content using the API. For drag&drop builder you need to use the interface.

Code snippets

Response example

  "success": true,
  "message": "Campaign created",
  "data": {
    "id": "e1VMRZ",
    "subject": "Example campaign subject",
    "reply_to": "[email protected]",
    "language": "eng",
    "recipient_count": null,
    "from": "Sender support",
    "schedule_time": null,
    "last_action": "api",
    "sent_time": null,
    "status": "DRAFT",
    "created": "2022-06-06 05:59:50",
    "modified": "2022-06-06 05:59:50",
    "title": "Example campaign",
    "domain_id": "bDPoxb",
    "preheader": "Preview text of my campaign",
    "auto_followup_active": true,
    "auto_followup_subject": "Example follow up subject",
    "auto_followup_delay": 72,
    "editor": "text",
    "opens": 0,
    "clicks": 0,
    "bounces_count": 0,
    "send_to_all": null,
    "html": {
      "id": "azxXQq",
      "thumbnail_url": "https://cdn.sender.net/email_images/9918/886278/html_l5fbNNTWji6R.png?timestamp=1654509593",
      "has_preview": true,
      "html_content": "Adding the first content of my campaign",
      "html_body": null
    "sent_count": 0,
    "campaign_groups": [
    "segments": [